Tuesday, July 22, 2014


All My Heart - Sleeping with Sirens

There's so many things that I could say
But I'm sure it would come out all wrong
You got something that I can't explain,
Still try and try and let you know

That first summer we spent's one we'll never forget,
Looking for any kind of reason to escape all the mess that
We thought was what made us
Ain't it funny now? We can see
We're who we're meant to be

You still have all of my
You still have all of my
You still have all my heart

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh oooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh oooh...

There's too many times I have to say
I could have been better and stronger for you and me
You always make me feel okay
Those late summers we spent, stay up talking all night
I'd ask "you think we'd ever make it?"
You'd say "I'm sure if it's right"
Ain't it funny to think just how stupid I used to be
Hope you always believe

You still have all of my
You still have all of my
You still have all my heart

You still have all of my
You still have all of my
You still have all my heart

Let them talk and talk and talk
Let them say what they want
We will laugh at the thought they don't know what we've got
Every year that goes by, a year older we are
You'll still be beautiful then, bless your beautiful heart

They'll talk and talk and talk
How crazy is it?
Someone could waste their whole life, helplessly,
Just patiently waiting for a love like you and me

You still have all of my
You still have all of my
You still have all my heart

You still have all of my heart
You still have all of my (you still have all of my heart)
You still have all of my (you still have all of my heart)
You still have all of my heart (you still have all of my heart)

You still have all of my(I've been waiting my whole life)
You still have all of my
(For someone to save me still can't believe that you're mine)
You still have all of my heart

Saturday, July 19, 2014

SESAL - Short Movie

Oiya, inget nggak dulu saya pernah cerita kalo saya ikut Workshop Audio Visual. Nah, dari workshop tersebut saya berhasil menelurkan sebuah film pendek wkwkwk. Film itu digarap secara profesional oleh Kanan Depan Production. Kesempatan tersebut adalah langkah awal saya meniti karier di dunia per-film-an, peran saya disitu masih sebagai make up artist :D Berbekal alat make up pinjaman dari anak seni tari, saya bereksperimen untuk me make over para pemain. Ada yang make up natural, ada juga yang make up karakter. Saya belajar make up semalaman, hasilnya nggak mengecewakan kok. Lumayanlah buat amatiran hoho. 
Ide cerita dituliskan oleh Adi, karena dia sudah memiliki jam terbang tinggi tentang pembuatan film, maka dia juga didaulat menjadi director juga. Ceritanya menurutku si kayak sinetron. Tapi lumayan membuat yang nonton agak berkaca-kaca si waktu itu.

Director : Adi Ahmad Arifin
Editor : Adi Ahmad Arifin
Kameraman : Fakhri Ali Azizi
Kleper : Billy Andiefyura & Rosyid Ilma Samsu N
Make up : Nurul Fadilah
Wardrobe : Alfiyatus Solechah
Pemain : Feriyanto, Resti, Eri, Rahman
Bintang Tamu : Budi Santoso
Kanan Depan Production

Monday, July 14, 2014

Something Special - Colbie Calliat

I found a way to be everything
I've dreamed of,
and I know it's in me
that I will become
who I want to be
and I finially found it and I'm taking the long way out
Cause it's gonna be, something special to me
Something special to me

Days go by
and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
Something special to me
Something special to me
Something special to me

I've found
so many things
I've dreamed of
and I know it's in me
that I will become
who I want to be
and I finially found it and I am taking the long way out
Cause it's gonna be,
something special to me
Something special to me
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
It's something special to me

More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be.
More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be.

Days go by and I'll grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know.

It's something special to me
It's something special to me
It's something special to me
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I will never let go.
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I will never let go.

Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - London Pigg

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I want to come too

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you

No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while I never knew
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.
I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine
Now I'm shining too

Because oh because
I've fallen quite hard over you

If I didn't know you, I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while I never knew
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while, I never knew

All of the while, all of the while,
it was you

I Swear This Time I Mean It - Mayday Parade

Oh Florida, please be still tonight
Don't disturb this love of mine
Look how she's so serene
You've gotta help me out

And count the stars to form in lines
And find the words we'll sing in time
I want to keep her dreaming
It's my one wish, I won't forget this

I'm outdated, overrated
Morning seems so far way

So I'll sing a melody
And hope to God she's listening
Sleeping softly while I sing
And I'll be your memories
Your lullaby for all the times
Hoping that my voice could get it right

If luck is on my side tonight
My clumsy tongue will make it right
And wrists that touch
It isn't much, but it's enough
To form imaginary lines
Forget your scars, we'll forget mine
The hours change so fast
Oh God, please make this last

'Cause I'm outdated, overrated
Morning seems so far way

So I'll sing a melody
And hope to God she's listening
Sleeping softly while I sing
And I'll be your memories
Your lullaby for all the times
Hoping that my voice could get it right
Could get it right

You could crush me
Please don't crush me
'Cause baby I'm a dreamer for sure
And I won't let you down
I swear this time I mean it

And I'll sing a melody
And hope to God she's listening
Sleeping softly while I sing
And I'll be your memories
Your lullaby for all the times
Hoping that my voice could get it right

James Dean & Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens

Stay for tonight
If you want to
I can show you
What my dreams are made of,
As I'm dreaming of your face
I've been away for a long time
Such a long time
And I miss you there
I can't imagine being anywhere else
I can't imagine being anywhere else but here

How the hell did you ever pick me?
Honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song
But I don't think words can express your beauty
It's singing to me
How the hell did we end up like this?
You bring out the beast in me
I fell in love from the moment we kissed
Since then we've been history

They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me

(If you want to, I can show you.)
(If you want to, I can show you.)

It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are
What my dreams are made of
And I can't fall asleep,
I lay in my bed awake at nights,
And I'll fall in love, you'll fall in love
It could mean everything, everything to me
Ooh This could mean everything to me

They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever...

The way that we are
Is the reason I stay
As long as you're here with me
I know I'll be OK

They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay, please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me

(It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are
What my dreams are made of)

(It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are)
Please stay, please stay as long as you need
(What my dreams are made of)

(They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
They say that love is forever)
Please stay forever with me

Friday, July 11, 2014

Nasihat Pernikahan

*Kata-kata cinta terucap indah. Mengalir berzikir di kidung doa ku *

Diiringi lagu Muhasabah Cinta dari edcoustic, kedua mempelai yang telah sah menjadi suami istri, memasuki singgasana pengantin. *awww* So sweet banget acara pernikaha Mbak Una dan Mas Erwin hari itu. Sebelum-sebelumnya kalau saya mengahdiri acara nikahan, entah nikahan siapa itu, biasanya musik pengiring yang dipilih kalau nggak keroncong, campursari, pop, ya dangdut. Baru kali ini ada full live performance nasyid. Suasananya beda banget. Adem dan romantis wkwkwkk.
Tapi bukan itu point pentingnya disini. Saya mau mengulas nasihat pernikahan yang kemarin digaungkan pak penghulu, eh, pak penghulu apa pak ustadz ya? Ya gitu lah pokoknya. Ceritanya kan, yang kemarin datang ke acara nikahannya itu dikasih semacam goody bag. Isinya ada snack sama kenang-kenangan. Kenang-kenangannya adalah sebuah buku kecil yang isinya nasihat pernikahan “Membentuk Keluarga Qurratal A’yun”. *cie cie* Nah ini di sini saya mau meresensi isi bukunya. Dengarkan ya dan perhatikan, agar kamu mendapat rahmat #GayaAlvinHafidsIndonesia.

QS Ad Dzariat : 49
“Dan segala sesuatu kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat akan kebesaran Allah”.

Nikah termasuk perbuatan yng telah dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dalam hal ini Rasulullah bersabda:
Dari Anas bin Malik ra, bahwasannya Nabi SAW memuji Allah SWT dan menjunjung-Nya beliau bersabda: “Akan tetapi aku salat, tidur, berpuasa, makan, dan menikahi wanita, barang siapa yang tidak suka perbuatanku, maka bukanlah dia dari golonganku” (HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Dalam hadist dapat dijadikan justifikasi agar setiap lamaran dari pria yang dirasa soleh tidak boleh ditolak.
“Apabila datang laki-laki (untuk meminang) yang kamu ridhoi agamanya dan akhlaknya maka kawinkanlah dia, dan bila tidak kamu lakukan akan terjadi fitnah dimuka bumi dan kerusakan yang meluas.” (HR. Tirmidzi dan Ahmad)

Nabi Muhammad SAW telah bersabda yang artinya: “Perhatikan baik-baik istri-istri kalian. Mereka disamping kalian ibarat titipan, amanat yang harus kallian jaga. Mereka kalian jemput melalui amanah Allah dan kalimahNya. Maka pergauli mereka dengan baik, jangan kalian lalimi, dan penuhilah hak-hak mereka.”

Ketika bebicara tentang tanggungjawab, Rasulullah SAW antara lain menyebutkan bahwa “suami adalah penggembala dalam keluarga yang akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas gembalaannya dan istri adalah penggembala dalam rumah suaminya dan bertanggungjawab atas gembalaannya.”

Begitulah, laki-laki dan perempuan yang telah diikat atas nama Allah dalam sebuat pernikahan, masing-masing terhadap yang lain mempunyai hak dan kewajiban. Suami wajib memenuhi tanggungjawabnya terhadap keluarga dan anak-anaknya. Istri dituntut untuk taat kepada suaminya dan mengatur trumah tangganya. Masing-masing dari suami-istri memikul tanggunghwab bagi keberhasilan perkawinan mereka untuk mendapat ridho Tuhan mereka. Apabila masing-masing lebih memperhatikan dan melaksanakan kewajibannya terhadap pasangannya daripada menuntut haknya saja, insya Allah, keharminosan dan kebahagiaan hidup mereka akan lestari sampai akhir ayat.

Gimana? Berat juga tuh yang namanya menaungi bahtera rumah tangga. Tapi optimis kan bisa mencapai semua itu :D

Selamat menempuh hidup baru buat Mbak Una dan Mas Erwin. Semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah mawadah wa rahmah. Long last ya. Amiin ya Rabb. 

Makan Siang Di Bulan Puasa

*Assalamu alaikum. Apa kabar saudara ku sekaliaan. Daku mendoakan kamu selamat sejahtera*
Opening song : Assalamu alaikum by Snada

Assalamu’alaikum. Gimana nih kabarnya ya? Baik  ya? Baik ya? 
Postingan pertama di bulan Ramadhan. Gimana puasanya, masih lancar kan? Belum batal kan? Sedikit curhat nih. Kemarin hari Senin saya sempet agak gimana gitu sama ibadah puasa saya. Kayaknya agak gak sempurna gitu. Emang kenapa? Jadi gini. Kemarin, aku sama TM sempat makan di siang hari bolong. Tenang, bukan makan dalam arti sebenarnya. Tapi, kemaren itu kita sempet disudutkan dalam suatu kelompokan yang lumayan penuh intrik. Ada sedikit perdebatan di kelompokan tersebut yang menyebabkan kita “makan hati”. Karena kita sudah ngerasa makan hati banget, jadi aku sama TM sempet ngedumel tentang ketidaknyamanan yang kami dapat waktu itu. Ngedumelnya si nggak berani frontal.  Jatuhnya jadi ghibah kan. Padahal ghibah itu bisa di ibaratkan “makan bangkai saudaranya sendiri”. Nah lo, makan lagi kan. Lagi puasa, siang-siang udah makan dua kali. Untungnya kita berdua langsung sadar. Tapi telat juga, orang udah terlanjur “makan” kok.

Intinya, puasa bukan hanya ikhtiar menahan rasa haus dan lapar. *Anak SD juga tahu* Lebih dari itu. Menurut saya, ikhtiar menjaga hati dan lisan itu yang paling berat. Apalagi buat wanita, yang notabenenya lebih mudah berbuat ghibah. Hahahaha.

Udah segitu aja. Semoga kedepannya puasa kita lancar. Nggak cuma dapet lapar dan haus. Lebih dari itu. Dapet hikmah dan manfaatnya. Amiin. Semnagat berpuasa guys :D